Sunday, November 15, 2009

What was your weirdest dream?

Mine happened when I saw Ally and AJ on TV one day singing "Potential Break-up Song" and I had a dream that night that they were singing it live while I was in a Baskin Robbins. I was trying to pick out a flavor of ice cream at the front counter while running away from this guy who was trying to kill me. They also kept forgetting the words to their song.

What was your weirdest dream?
I was going to school on a boat and when I came home to visit my boyfriend I was looking in our closet and the room was reversed. anyway there was a suppose to be hidden door, it was patched up and I could tell, so I took a hammer and went my way in! I found a desk- which oddly enough was really nice and like 1 I was wanting to get. there was a bed at the far end and lots of geeky things, like plane models, science models, etc. anyway then I noticed a bathroom which since the room was reversed was also the bathroom attached to my bedroom. I go in and it's really clean like mine but it wasn't mine, anyway I pulled back the curtain to see what type of soap and shampoo the person used and there was 2 dead teenage boys bodies. Then on the toilet was a clear garbage bag. in it was a big black cat and my little black kitten. My kitten was alive but the other wasn't and both had a little blue ribbon in their hair. The police came and apparently the one boy had LSD in him and that's likely what killed him and then I was woken up.

We're new to this apartment so I was pretty freaked out, plus weird things happen. One day I was studying and the light in the closet kept flickering and it wasn't even turned on and I've put things in 1 spot and in the morning they're moved. it's creepy. I know the "bedroom" in my dream isn't real because behind my closet is a bathroom and then a bedroom at the far end. but it was messed up....

ps: I'm the same as skrzych, there's 1 dream I have all the time. I'm at the alter getting married and the guy keeps changing, sometimes it's men I know, others I don't know....
Reply:I was a child, and my parents were having a party and we realized the house was full of wolves. So my dad said, "Well, we're gonna have to burn it down." and after we lit it we were all standing out side watching it burn and realized that there were faceless people upstairs trapped in the fire so I crawled in a vehicle and laid on the floor with my hands over my ears so I couldn't hear them scream.

Not only strange, but that dream started when I was about 10, and I'm 32. I have it at least once a year and it's always the exact same. Every detail.
Reply:actually it was last night.

i was sitting outside and suddenly a cute fellow dressed in all black with a long leather black trenchcoat with deep green eyes and black hair with a hawk on his arm come up to me.

he asked if i wanted to go with i followed him to the gloomy woods. and he told be i had the power of lightining and i could save the world. than all of a sudden i tried it and i did it.lightning was shooting thru my hands.

it was a pretty good dream to me.
Reply:that i was in a "candy land" and every time i would step on the jello sidewalk the colors would change...

the weird thing was i couldn't eat anything...

i would try and try but nothing would happen...

ahhh it was driving me crazy!!!

Reply:last night I had this dream a big truck drove up with huge doughnuts..(I hate doughnuts)...then this guy gets out of the truck %26amp; has chocolate all over his face...then by b/f starts licking this guys face to get the chocolate that was a weird dream!!! i told me b/f...he said GROSS!!!
Reply:i was married to lindsay lohan it was a nightmare trust me.
Reply:haha! i was in this old yellow bus and i was sitting at the back. so the window was open and there's some cute guy on his bike and i put my head out and spat onto him =P
Reply:you don't want to know my friend
Reply:I was married to my best friend.....

Reply:i was attacked... in a parking garage by butterflies. scary and wierd, i know!
Reply:Oh my! That was one weird dream! Once I had a dream that I was on a boat in a scary lagoon and all the cast of The Fresh Prince of Bel-air was there! My friend Renee was there, too! Renee took my socks and put them in the microwave that was on the ship! I know! WEIRD! And then she disappeared! Soon, everyone was gone but me and Will! We started going towards this freaky tree with a light behind it and the Will disappeared! I was screaming and then I woke up! thank goodness!


Reply:The skies turned a very dark grey, no clouds in the sky, and a hand appeared and reach down and picked me up right off the face of the earth. Nobody else was around. I saw no trees, grass, plants, animals.......NOTHING!!! And the hand and arm which was not attached to anything was not what I consider the "Hand Of God" was just a dream. Exactly what you asked about.
Reply:That is good, but I had this very strange dream about Santa peering through my windows...very very strange. It could have been the beverages I had to drink before bed. Lol
Reply:I was in the band classroom at school {i'm in band and i hang out there all the time} and a very good friend of mine was telling the funniest jokes he's ever told. a bunch of people were in a circle around him laughing, and i was in the circle laughing along. it was such a humorous dream! until i woke up screaming.
Reply:WHen I was little, I had a dream I was in a flying classic car with Heathcliff (based on the cartoon) and some other cats and we were going really fast trying to get away from the "bad guys". For some reason Heathcliff was looking somewhere else and a high pitched voice saying "watch out!!!" came from the intercomm on the dashboard. We looked ahead and saw we were about to crash into a building. That's were it ended.

Oh yeah, and everything looked like the cartoon. I had "cartoon dreams" a lot when I was little. I miss that!
Reply:I saw some chocolate and my friend said no don't eat but i ate it and later i was Micheal Jackson on trail...VERY I'm afraid of chocolate
Reply:Locked the foors and went to bed in my PJs, had a dream about running around naked. When I woke, I'm also naked. Checked the door if it's locked and it still is. Then I woke up again... for real. ^_^
Reply:That I was getting raped by Freddy Kruger
Reply:i have this one like every two years....

k so me and my family are at like at rock museum and theres this little photo both thing sso me and my mom get in and like 10 other people too. so were really crowded and this voice just goes MWAHAHA YOUR STUCK IN HERE FOR ETERNITY and i was like five in real life so it freaked me out.
Reply:This is a dream I had over a week ago:

I think dreams are made up of all the things we see and are influenced by all mixed up into the one. I even had a crazy dream this morning but you have to wright them down otherwise you forget.
Reply:That I was hugging Taye Diggs and wouldn't let him go.

*I just watched Malibu's Most Wanted

safety boots

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